
Welcome to the DrGmed, Inc. Compliance and Privacy web page

DrGmed, Inc. has implemented a proactive Health Care Compliance and Privacy Program (Compliance Program) that ensures our compliance with applicable laws, regulations, policies and procedures.

We have appointed a Health Care Compliance and Privacy Officer (Compliance Officer) who is responsible to oversee the development, implementation and management of a program of action designed to promote behavior in accordance with our values as expressed in our Code of Conduct. Our Compliance Officer and our local compliance leaders serve as key advocates to help promote an understanding of our compliance commitment and responsibilities.

Our Compliance Program is designed to prevent and detect fears as uncovered and reported by our employees. Upon our discovery of these alarms, we initiate an appropriate investigation into any problem area and complete a timely resolution of all issues.

Through our Compliance Program, we educate and train our DrGmed, Inc. on our standards, policies and procedures. Our Compliance Program assists our management at all levels of our company in maintaining and enhancing an environment where ethics are incorporated into our operations.



DrGmed, Inc.   
“A multidisciplinary team brought together to provide personalized care” or  

 FL: (305) 450-9651|NM: (505) 207-0621